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Scaffold Forum Example

Now that you have Nix installed, let's use Holochain's scaffolding tool to scaffold a simple forum app.

1. Navigate to a folder where you want to set up the project

For example:

mkdir ~/Moss
cd ~/Moss

2. Scaffold app

Run the following command to scaffold a ready-to-use forum Holochain app.

nix run github:holochain/holochain#hc-scaffold -- example hello-world

⚠️ package manager

The scaffolding tool will ask you to choose a package manager. This guide will assume that you choose npm as the package manager - if you choose a different package manager, replace the npm commands accordingly.

⚠️ UI Framework

The scaffolding tool will ask you to choose a UI framework (Lit/Svelte/React/Vue). This guide will assume that you choose Lit as UI framework. If you choose a different framework, you should still be able to follow along but may need to slightly adjust some of the steps.

3. Build the app for use outside Moss

The app scaffolded in the previous step can be used in non-Moss contexts. Let's build it and test it out before we add the necessary sugar for it to run in Moss:

Navigate into the newly scaffolded folder:

cd forum

Enter nix shell to get the Holochain development tooling:

nix develop

Install dependencies

npm install

Run the app in non-Moss development mode to check whether it works:

npm run start

This should spawn 2 windows with the forum app running in them. If you create a post in one of the windows and reload the page in the other window (Right click > Reload) and the post should appear.